Frequently Asked Questions

This is a list of frequently asked questions, or at least questions that I have heard before and I will probably hear again

Did you make this website yourself?

Yes. In fact, it is a good representation of my skills. As I grow better at web design, this website will improve, up to a stage where it becomes pointless to improve it any more, I will not add bells and whistles onto my website for no reason.

How long does a website take?

It varies greatly. This one took me a day. Other websites will take longer.

Can you make a mobile website?

Short answer, no. Long answer, mobile websites are a hassle to create, and if you want me to create a mobile website and a regular website, if I'm even willing to do it, they count as two separate websites and you will be charged as such.

How many websites can you make at a time?

One. I operate on a first come, first serve basis

How much do you charge per website?

It varies a lot. For some people it's free, for some people it's not. Prices are up for negotiation, but once they are set and you agree to them, they cannot be changed. Please do not ask for a free website. I charge per page of a website (each separate URL counts as a separate page).

Can you make a dynamic website?

It depends. I can't program you an interactive 3D house tour program, but slideshows and the like aren't too hard. I am just starting out in the professional world of web design, so some things are beyond my ability.

Can you design images and logos?

No. I get things from you, arrange them on a screen, and make them look pretty. I do not make images, unless you count mediocre photoshopping as design.

You say that you sometimes make websites for free. What's the catch? What do you have to gain from it?

There is no catch. However I do have something to gain. On some part of your website, it will certify that it was designed by me. This is to boost my resume. I can also gain if you refer me to a friend and I can do business with them.